my favourite low cal snacks
Throughout this whole lockdown I must have been on about ten different diets which have all worked in there own little way. The only problem is, they became so boring.
I would give up on every cheat day and crumble at the taste of anything sweet. I eventually figured out that it was because it was not letting myself having anything nice to eat. This is when I decided to do a health eating plan instead and it is the best alternative to a diet. It’s a lifestyle change rather than a short-term fix.
a cocktail a day
May is the gift that keeps on giving. With bank holidays here, there and everywhere it is just the perfect month. That would be if we were allowed to go to the pub or anywhere with cocktails on the menu and a garden to drink them in.
This weekend is meant to be really hot. I know British weather changes every five minutes but I’m writing this post in the garden while the sun is beaming a lovely 26 degree heat so my hopes are high for some lasting sunshine.
Creative Crafts
So a lot of people have asked me about a few craft ideas. I love coming up with new things to make. I tend to make a lot of crafts around birthdays or specific days like Easter, Christmas or Valentine’s Day.
Throughout this lockdown, there have been two big birthdays in my household. My dad turned 50 and my brother turns 21 soon. It’s a lot harder to plan special things when we can’t get out of the house but I’m sure I will find something. I thought I would share with you a few ideas that I made for previous occasions.
a glimpse into space
This week I’ve been obsessed with the sky. There has been a meteor shower and last night (Wednesday 22nd April) at 11:00pm was the best time to see it. If there are two things I could look at forever it is the sea and the stars.
To think we are a speck of dust in a universe that is a part of a galaxy that is just one of trillions. It really makes me think that all the worry, sadness, pain and stress we feel is so out of our control when you put us in this context.
Make the most of your Easter
Tips, tracks, hacks and crafts that will help you get through Easter indoors.
I’m so ready to eat chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner while snacking on chocolate in between. It is the one time of year I let myself do this. I have tried to stop snacking throughout this lockdown so that when Easter comes I can enjoy all the chocolate I want. Plus, it gives me something to look forward too… yes that’s what it’s come too; I’m excited to have a piece of chocolate after depriving myself of it for weeks.
Self Isolation:
5 ways to keep yourself entertained whilst at home
There is A LOT going on at the minute. With the Coronavirus taking over every country, a lot of people have been told to self-isolate. I think self-isolating is so important if you know you are putting other people at risk or you yourself have symptoms.
At the minute it is just chaos everywhere. If you’ve been to the supermarkets, then you will know that the shelves are empty. Now is the time to help each other and all stick together so that everyone is able to have the bare necessities. We are better together.
5 ways to help handle them down days
I think this time of year especially is when a lot of people tend to feel down. I know that every problem I have or any challenge I face seems a million times worse when it is cold, rainy and dark outside. The winter months don’t help but your job, workloads, deadlines and paydays don’t seem to care.
The same old stresses seem so much worse in these early months. For some people, anxiety is not seasonal and it a constant burden on their lives…
World book day:
why Matilda is the best book ever!
Happy world book day! Did you ever have a favourite book as a kid that you would just read over and over again…
Matilda was my favourite childhood book and still to this day I enjoy reading it. For me, a book is based around characters and if the characters are well written then the story writes itself.
My not so perfect life
I used to hate reading books. I would always get distracted and end up reading the same page over and over again. I never found the appeal if I’m being honest.
I study creative writing in university and have always studied English Literature through school and college so I have obviously had to read all kinds of books. They were classic reads by talented authors and are adored by thousands of people but I never finished them because they didn’t appeal to me or what I liked.
The best way to spend your Sunday
Spend Sunday’s sleeping, eating and watching your fave shows!
We’ve all had them hungover days consisting of takeaways, pyjamas and Netflix all day long. The most recent one for me wasn’t too long ago and I spent the whole day just watching the best throwback TV shows of all time.
When your hungover you just want to make yourself better and what better way to do that than throwing your duvet over yourself ordering a dominos and putting on Gavin and Stacey.
Making Millie's Cookies
It’s that time of year when everyone is running out of money and it’s too cold to leave the house. Well they are my reasons anyway for staying in on a Saturday night.
So! We decided to try to remake the Millie’s cookies recipe.
We found a copy cat recipe on the BBC Food website with an ingredients list and method
The best ways to handle stress
I am in my last year of uni so I think it’s safe to say I am fully aware what stress feels like!
It is the worst thing ever. It zaps you of all your energy and makes your head feel like it’s expanding by the second. It makes you feel sick and can ruin your day to day routine.