The best way to spend your Sunday!

The best way to spend your Sunday!

Spend Sunday’s sleeping, eating and watching your fave shows!

We’ve all had them hungover days consisting of takeaways, pyjamas and Netflix all day long. The most recent one for me wasn’t too long ago and I spent the whole day just watching the best throwback TV shows of all time.

When your hungover you just want to make yourself better and what better way to do that than throwing your duvet over yourself ordering a dominos and putting on Gavin and Stacey.

Gavin and Stacey always makes me feel a little bit more human again. It is one of them shows that I can re- watch over and over again and still cry laughing and here’s why:

Pam is the most relatable thing I’ve ever come across:

What’s occurring is slowly becoming the only thing I say but it only sound right when Nessa says it:

Mick on the telly is one of the best moments of the whole series – “well it’s the last thing you expected to find when you come into work in the morning”

Pam as a vegetarian reminds me of the reason why I could never be:

Smithy and Rudi’s rap to ‘American Boy’ – I don’t care what anyone says it’s iconic:

Watch American Boy rap here 

When Doris doesn’t make the salad:

Bryn and the Barn dance:

Smithy’s best man speech – lets all raise a toast:  

Baby Neil’s life lessons:

I honestly could go on. Writers and producers James Cordon and Ruth Jones make the show so relatable that you can’t help but link every situation to your own.

Speculations about a fourth series have been floating around for a while and I can’t help but get excited. Are these rumours true?

Who knows, just get me back to Barry

I think the only question we actually want to know is what really did happen on that fishing trip? 

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