My Not So Perfect Life

My not so perfect life


Sophie Kinsella ‘My not so Perfect Life’ 

I used to hate reading books. I would always get distracted and end up reading the same page over and over again. I never found the appeal if I’m being honest.

I study creative writing in university and have always studied English Literature through school and college so I have obviously had to read all kinds of books. They were classic reads by talented authors and are adored by thousands of people but I never finished them because they didn’t appeal to me or what I liked. 

 These books made no sense to me and the reason was because I couldn’t be bothered letting them. 

One day I discovered that I had never actually chosen a book to read; every book I had ever started had been assigned to me. That was until I was introduced to Sophie Kinsella. Everyone takes a book on holiday with them to read supposedly, but I couldn’t understand how anyone could be bothered forcing themselves through pages and pages of words on HOLIDAY. That was until my mum told me she found a book that she thought I would love and that book was Sophie Kinsella’s ‘My Not So Perfect Life’. 

I’m not going to say you will love this book! I love this book and that is because it is so relatable to me. Sophie Kinsella really knows how to connect with her audience. ‘My Not So Perfect Life’ focuses on a young girls struggle to find her perfect career and shows her trying not to get set back by the perfect worlds threw at her through her computer screen. I literally couldn’t put this book down and read all 385-pages in three days. 

After reading this book I was hooked and have bought many more of her books like ‘Surprise Me’ and ‘The un-Domestic Goddess’. Learning to read is about finding what you like and I’m made up I finally found what I love to read because it’s like a whole other world once you get started.

To see more pictures that I’ve took have a look at my photography account

Instagram: _katemasonphotography_

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