World Book Day: Why Matilda is the best book.

World Book Day:

Why Matilda is the best book!

Happy world book day! Did you ever have a favourite book as a kid that you would just read over and over again…

Matilda was my favourite childhood book and still to this day I enjoy reading it. For me, a book is based around characters and if the characters are well written then the story writes itself.

If you have never read Matilda before, here are some reason why you should and why it is the best book ever! 

First of all, there is Matilda herself. She is years ahead of her time and I love how she is always one step ahead of her parents. Not only does she have the power to move things with her mind but she uses her power in the best ways. My favourite time would have to be when she is dancing in her living room flicking the lights on and off and all the books are flying around her.

Miss Trunchbull is the headmistress of the school. She used to absolutely terrify me but looking back she is one of the best characters in the book. Every inch of colour would have to be hidden when she walked into a room. From drinking newts to locking children in the chokey she keeps the book alive.

Bruce Bogtrotter is a hero. Then again, if most punishments involved eating a 10-pound chocolate cake, I don’t think we would have many complaints.

Matilda’s dad has a couple of one liners that make the book as memorable as it is. My favourite one has to be: “I’m smart, you’re dumb, I’m big, you’re little, I’m right, you’re wrong.”

Miss Honey is the kindest character in the book. She is always trying to do right by everyone and keeps us grounded throughout the whole story. I love how she is the niece of the meanest character in the book, Miss Trunchbull. When Miss Honey sneaks into Miss Trunchbull’s house, it is one of the most exciting parts of the book. It keeps you on edge wondering if they are going to get out alive!

The characters in a book are what make the story come to life which is exactly the case in the story of Matilda. If you haven’t read it, I would fully recommend no matter what age you are. Why not read it today on world book day!

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