Red Carpet Favourites

Red carpet favourites

I’m sure I’m not the only one who mainly watches the Oscars just to see the dresses!

Every year they get more whacky and I love it. I always pick my favourite dresses and now that I have a blog, I’m going to share what they are with all of you.

In 5th place

The colour of this dress is gorgeous and it has a slight shimmer!  Sometimes I think it does have a slight mermaid feel to it and the shimmer looks a bit like scales . Either way I love it and I love the strapless look!

In 4th place 

JLO is just unreal anyway but with this mirror style Aztecey wonder wrapped around her she’s hard to miss. I love how it reflects the colour and if you look closely you can see a red trail traipsing up from the carpet below!

In 3rd place 

Such an elegant dress! It’s a bit revealing in places, yet it’s simple design is enough to make it stand out and the colour really suits her! Gorgeous

In 2nd place 

You can’t go wrong with red! I love the frills on this dress and the spilt up the middle. The thing that’s makes it perfect is the off the shoulder look as without it the colour would be too in your face! It takes such a pretty picture.

She reminds me of the little dancer emoji .

In 1st place 

Well it’s obviously the Queen herself. Gaga never fails to dazzle us but for her this seems a very tame dress. I wish I could wear it everyday to be honest because I love every plain and simple thing about it. With the dress and gloves been both black, our eye is really drawn to the diamond rock hanging around her neck which completes the whole look perfectly.

It was hard to pick the top 5 dresses I loved the most as there were so many but I went with the ones that stuck in my head. I wouldn’t mind adding them all to my wardrobe (even if they were just too look at!) 

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