
give yourself the ultimate stay-at-home pamper day.

It’s starting to hit me that as soon as we are allowed back out again, I will have roots that resemble vines, eyebrows that are uncontrollable and nails that need a little TLC. To all the beauticians out there we miss you but I need to do something to keep on top of things.

When you’re staying at home, it is easy to lounge around all day. Am I right in saying that the longer we are cooped up for, the less we are going to care what our hair, skin or anything looks like.

Forever My Favourites

Beauty Products I will never stop buying…

Beauty products are different for different people and what works for some people may cause others to flare out in breakouts, dry skin and even rashes.

I have tried a lot of makeup myself and I know what works for my skin and what doesn’t. I love finding products that work for me and love wearing them even more.

Sunkissed Valentine's Collection

It’s finally here!

It’s 7:00am, it’s cold and I don’t want to go to uni which means I definitely don’t want to make an effort with my make up, hair or outfit. It’s just too early to be dealing with that.

Saying that I actually do make an effort. I slap a bit of makeup on, throw my hair back and I’m out the door usually running about 20 mins late. The usual excuse is ‘I’m late because I woke up late and didn’t take it upon myself to rush’.

Hurry up June

It’s what everyone is waiting for! BRITISH SUMMER TIME BEGINS ON 21st JUNE and I for one CAN’T WAIT!

There are millions of reasons why I love summer. To name a few: beer gardens, beach trips, bbq’s… but my one favourite thing about summer is…

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