a look through the lens

a look through the lens

I am craving a holiday. I spend most of everyday scrolling through my pictures of the holidays I’ve been on. I like to post a travel post every time I visit a new place. There are a lot of posts to come about places I’ve been and are going but while we are in this lockdown all I can do is look at pictures. It made me think that I am so glad I took as many pictures as I did on my holidays because I just love to look at them. It brings back so many memories. I thought I would gather some of my favourite pictures from different places I have visited and share them with you. This collection of pictures mainly focuses on different views that I have shot in the right place and the right time.  

Most of the time I take ‘quick pics’ on my phone but these pictures were all taken with my Canon camera. You can really tell the difference…

The camera is use is a Canon DSLR 1300D. I would fully recommend this for anyone who is learning and wanting to take up photography.

Picture Number 1:  

Ibiza, San Antonio Bay. This picture was actually taken in one shot. Every time I go to the beach, I always look out for the big waves. Well, I spotted this one a mile off and as soon as it hit the rocks it soaked everyone. I managed to catch this picture and it turned out great! The part of San Antonio we visited didn’t have any sandy beaches, just rocks, so it was nice to be able to walk along and watch the sea instead of just lying on the sand.

Picture Number 2:

I have been to Ibiza quite a lot. This picture was taken in Ibiza town; one of the prettiest places I’ve seen. I love this picture because I think the buildings look like steps. The whole place is exactly like this and it’s so intriguing. I’m so glad I have a picture of it to never forget.

Picture Number 3:

This is a picture I took in Lisbon. I love the way the tops of the houses are all facing different ways. They remind me of rocks on the edge of the beach. I also love how the camera has picked up the different shades of orange that the light has created. It’s a very busy picture that you can just stare at for ages.

Picture Number 4:

A shopping street under a canopy. This is a picture taken in Malaga on a really hot day. The patterns on the canopy’s created a golden light that lit the whole street up. I love how the sun still makes a statement in this picture through warm orange and yellow tones.

Picture Number 5:

One of the things I love most about the Isle of Man is that almost everywhere you go you can see the sea. The sea is one of my favourite things and the Isle of Man is 30 minutes on a plane. Something so close yet so, so different.  My favourite things about this picture is firstly the tree. I love how you can see it in such detail. I also love the contrast of blues from the sea and the sky.

Picture Number 6:

Here I am stood on top of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. I took my camera out to try and get a picture of the Eiffel tower but turned around to see this. Paris is such a busy city with hustle and bustle around every corner. In this picture it almost looks calm. There’s not a cloud in the sky. My favourite thing about this picture is how nature seems to take over. Despite the city being packed full of buildings, nature is still claiming its place as it storms up the middle splitting the city in half.

Picture Number 7:

Santa Eulalia is beautiful. This picture was taken on a moving boat. I think it turned out great considering but I do owe it mostly to the camera. My favourite thing about this picture is how central the boat is; it acts as a focal point. I also love the way you can see the different colours of blue in the sea. If I’m being honest the dark bits of the water scare me so much.

Picture Number 8:

This is not your usual picture of New York City but it’s one of my favourites. The best thing about it is the sun and the scattered clouds; not to mention the pop of colour from the flags.  It is such an effective picture and it reminds me of how sunny and hot it was the day I took it. This is what a picture should do; take you back to an amazing time.

Picture Number 9:

This is one of the most emotional pictures I have ever taken at Auschwitz concentration camp in Krakow. I didn’t really know if I wanted to take the picture but I did. The thing that stands out most to me is the tree. The branches without the leaves make the picture look lifeless and really creepy. It reflects the whole mood of the horror that went on there.

Picture Number 10:

This is the final picture of this blog post. I took this with my camera through a plane window and it is so much clearer than when I took it with my phone. I love how everything looks like a jigsaw and fits together perfectly. I feel like the picture presents a layered format and I’m at the top looking down on everything. I could look at this picture all day, especially the shadows from the clouds. That’s not something you see every day.

I’ve loved writing this post. It has given me the chance to look through some of my memories from a few of the places I have visited. Taking picture is something I will always do.

There’s plenty more to come.

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