Self-Isolation: 5 ways to keep yourself entertained whilst at home.

self isolation:

5 ways to keep yourself entertained

whilst your stuck at home

There is A LOT going on at the minute. With the Coronavirus taking over every country, a lot of people have been told to self-isolate. I think self-isolating is so important if you know you are putting other people at risk or you yourself have symptoms. At the minute it is just chaos everywhere. If you’ve been to the supermarkets, then you will know that the shelves are empty. Now is the time to help each other and all stick together so that everyone is able to have the bare necessities. We are better together.

Self-isolation for 14 days may be harder than you think. For the first few days it may be. I have been trying to think about how I am going to carry out my day to day tasks without even leaving the house and things to do to keep me entertained.  

Stay in shape whilst staying safe:

I like to do some form of exercise once a day but obviously this is a lot harder to accomplish when gyms are closed and classes are cancelled. I usually like to run outside but lately I have been doing home workouts. I have a yoga mat and a kettlebell and simply search on YouTube for workout videos. There are so many to choose from so you won’t get bored doing the same videos over and over again.

Swap strolling for scrolling:

On my days off, I like to go and have a look around all the shops for a good little bargain but thankfully, I have had a lot of discount codes in my emails and am ready to convert to scrolling instead of strolling.  Have a look through that junk mail… you never know what you might find.

Re-watch a classic series:

There is nothing worse than starting a series and not been able to binge watch because work gets in the way. I remember the first time I watched Gossip Girl O (A CLASSIC). I was in college and it took over my life. All I wanted to do was watch the next one but had to stop myself staying awake all night long. So take the time to watch the things you don’t normally get the chance too.

Learn something new:

what better way to use this time than to learn something new. I tell myself every year that my new year’s resolution is going to be to learn how to sew or knit or draw. For the past couple of years, I’ve always said I am going to learn how to cook. Well its 2020 and I still can’t cook more than a jacket potato. Now’s the time to learn!

photo credit: @thrivingonplants

Get a good book:

If your fed up of the screens, then start reading a great book. The amount of times I’ve been lost in a book and I look at the clock and it’s been about 3 hours. Time flies when your lost in a story and it is so much better than glaring at a screen for 2 weeks. You never know, you could end up reading something life changing.

It is such a difficult time for us all so we all need to stick together and look after each other. Most importantly let’s try and stay as positive as we can.

Be kind and stay safe always.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. LOVE IT, will definitely try these ! X xx

    1. Aww thanks so much!💜

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